Graphene Has My Heart - the scientists and science behind the video Illinois MRSEC 5:41 3 years ago 95 Далее Скачать
I-MRSEC REU Faculty Series: Andre Schleife- Excited electronic states and real-time dynamics Illinois MRSEC 56:11 4 years ago 160 Далее Скачать
MRSEC REU Faculty Series: Arend van der Zande- Deformable systems from 2D atomic membranes Illinois MRSEC 56:18 3 years ago 107 Далее Скачать
I-MRSEC REU Faculty Series: Daniel Shoemaker- Navigating inorganic phase space to find new materials Illinois MRSEC 55:10 4 years ago 91 Далее Скачать
I-MRSEC REU Faculty Series: John Abelson- Career Journey: From Solar Cells to Sustainable Materials Illinois MRSEC 58:19 4 years ago 57 Далее Скачать
Illinois MRSEC Science Slam: Graphene, the most flexible electronic material in the world Illinois MRSEC 5:01 2 years ago 262 Далее Скачать
I-MRSEC REU Faculty Series: Nenad Miljkovic- Nanoengineered interfaces for enhanced energy Illinois MRSEC 1:03:13 4 years ago 424 Далее Скачать
I-MRSEC REU Faculty Series: Cathy Murphy- Gold Nanocrystals: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Ecology Illinois MRSEC 52:02 4 years ago 200 Далее Скачать
I-MRSEC REU Faculty Series: Elif Ertekin- Computational Materials Science: Why & How & What We Learn Illinois MRSEC 53:40 4 years ago 3 221 Далее Скачать
I-MRSEC REU Faculty Series: Axel Hoffmann- A Magnetic (R)Evolution Illinois MRSEC 59:15 4 years ago 119 Далее Скачать
Introduction to IES and REL Mid-Atlantic Resources (REL Mid-Atlantic) Institute of Education Sciences 5:45 7 years ago 30 Далее Скачать
MRSEC Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Program mrsecehr MRSEC Education and Outreach 4:35 7 years ago 225 Далее Скачать